Thursday, November 4, 2010

*Fill in the blank* mu problemo ti.

*Fill in the blank* is a problem --> sadly this is a very common phrase around these parts. Most often I hear the following:

Change is a problem (i.e. coins and small bills)
Current is a problem (i.e. electricity)
Travel is a problem
Going to school is a problem

And the one that I have become most familiar with as of late is “Petty theft is a problem”.

I think I did a decent job of ranting to my family about this a few days ago so I will insert my email here (I added a few edits for your benefit):

****Start of email to family****
Hey Mom and Dad and Alex,

I think my phone got lifted from my house last night. I leave my front door open a lot (typical here otherwise people think you are kind of mean) and I had been reading in my room using the light on my phone for additional brightness (my bulbs suck). I left to go to the kitchen and shower and now I cannot find the phone anywhere! I literally spent over two hours looking. Also, when I call it says it is off. So sad. Ill let you know when I get a new one and if my number changes. I think I will have it on Wed. Just wanted to let you know.

Also, I forgot to tell you but my iPod got lifted like a month ago, but I don't know where. Also sad. It just went missing from my backpack.

Finally, I caught a guy trying to pick pocket my purse at the Bitik about a week ago. He was standing super close and pushing up on me like he was trying to reach over me to pay the guy behind the counter. I had to push him away and shove around him and I saw his hand trying to get into my purse. Good thing I had it zipped closed. I was too surprised to say anything at the time. I just gave him an evil look and went to make sure he didn't actually get anything. He took off pretty fast. The guy behind the counter just rolled his eyes and laughed. Not at me but at the stupid pick pocket.

I am getting sick of my stuff being taken. also thinks their host family is taking money from them when they are away. They keep all of their money hidden in the house and started dividing it into weekly piles because they kept coming up short at the end of the month so they wanted to start a weekly budget. They recounted the other day and a few piles were short. They thought it was their own mistake and re divided the piles. When they came back from this past weekend the piles were short again! They are scheming to see if it is the host family or not, but either way it is sad.

Just needed to rant for a minute.
****End of email to family****

The email goes on for another second, but nothing big. It was confirmed that my phone was taken when I tried to call it the next day and somebody answered! but did not say anything. Jerks. I am so ready for the next person that I catch trying to take something from me. I am going to get pissed and am looking forward to making a scene.

It is however very frustrating that petty theft/burglary IS such an issue here at times. I do not want to give the impression that every person or every place in The Gambia is like this, because they definitely are not… which is part of what is so frustrating. So many people go completely out of their way to help you when they can, but you still always have to be cautious. Most all Gambians also find this to be extremely frustrating.

On the whole I have found The Gambia to be a very safe place. I don’t walk around at night by myself, but that is just common sense in any poor city where there is little to no electricity. There are very few incidents of assault or anything worse. Most of the problems are definitely petty theft and burglary.

At this point there is nothing I can do about my iPod. Regarding my phone, because it was taken from inside my home, I have to write up an incident report and file to get reimbursed for the new phone I had to purchase (though I am happy to say I get to keep my same number). Apparently my neighbors to the left have had phones taken from inside their home twice already! From now on I will continue to leave my front door open when I am home, but I will always put the pad lock on the gate to my porch so everyone can see I am there, but nobody will be able to come inside unless I let them. I will also no longer but valuable items by my living room window because I have found my screen moved a few times and know people that have had computers (and other items) taken through their window (even with the metal work that I have).

We are also pretty sure that the other volunteers host family is taking money from them when they are gone. It is still unclear what is going to happen about this. It is pretty shocking and something like this is rarely an issue. My host family is great so far, and most other volunteers feel the same way. I don’t want this post to give the wrong impression, but sadly, as stated above, petty theft is a problem. I will let you know what happens.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ugh, I am so frustrated for you! That sucks!!!